You're Brilliant To Want To Write A Book! Soon Others Will Discover You're An Expert In Your Field!
First Time Author Manual Is The Tool You Need!!!
Do you have a great idea for a book but don’t know how to start? Or you’ve started, but you keep getting stuck and don't know what do do next? It’s making you crazy and you yearn for a way forward.
As your Writing Coach I share the secrets in this Manual how to start strong & stay strong so you can FINISH with confidence. This is a Great Opportunity to stop talking about someday writing a book, and to actually DO IT!
I've heard statements such as, "I'M NOT SIGNIFICANT" but actually someone is failing miserably at what you made it through. Your story may be the most hopeful message they will hear next to "you got this!"
Many of you are an expert in your field. This Manual is here to IGNITE your IMAGINATION and help you bring your ideas to life.
But wait, there's MORE! Once you purchase this Manual, you will be included in a PRIVATE Group on Facebook where you will have access to me as your Personal Writing Coach, notified first when there are writing classes and so much MORE!
DON'T MISS OUT on this incredible opportunity to UNLOCK your creative potential and embark on an unforgettable writing journey!